With Huckabuy’s URL Routing product, you are able to configure your website’s URLs to redirect or remap to a completely new URL without the need to reconfigure your web server. These redirects and remaps are applied at our distributed Edge locations so your website will still benefit with low latency and fast response times. 

What are the Benefits?

The URL Routing product can be utilized in many different ways, providing different opportunities for search engine optimization (SEO) and website performance. Some examples include:

Getting Started

To start taking advantage of URL Routing, your website needs to be fully onboarded and live with Huckabuy. 

From within the Huckabuy Dashboard, navigate to the URL Routing page via the menu on the left. If you have already setup any routing rules, you will see a list of these along with the ability to modify or deactivate each one individually.

 If you have not setup any URL routes yet, you will see an option for “Add Route”

Clicking “Add Route” will display a new form where you must include the “Original URL”, the “Destination URL” and what action to perform, i.e “Permanently Redirect”, “Temporarily Redirect” or “Remap”.

Similarly, editing an existing route will open the same form but with the fields populated with the route’s current options.

Selecting “Permanently Redirect” will make the response respond with a 301 status code along with the new location.

“Temporarily Redirect” will respond with a 302 status code.

Domain Redirects

If you are going to be redirecting to a new domain, both the “Original URL” and “Destination URL” must be a fully formatted URL with a protocol and hostname, e.g “https://www.example.com*

 will match


But will NOT match


The “Destination URL” does not support wildcards, but you are able to utilize the wildcards from the “Original URL” using indexed curly-brackets.

For example, the following “Original URL” :


 can have its path remapped in the “Destination URL”, such as


 This can be useful for Query parameter remapping. 

For example, the following “Original URL”:


can be remapped to


Deactivating Routes

Each of the routes you configured can be individually deactivated so the associated rules are no longer applied to your website. However, when you deactivate a route, it is deleted and cannot be restored, so you will need to set it up again if you want to apply it in the future.

In addition to deactivating individual routes, you can deactivate all the configured routes at once by clicking the “Deactivate All” button. Similar to deactivating an individual route, Deactivating All will delete each route and you will need to start over if you want to apply URL Routing again in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is URL routing?

With Huckabuy’s URL Routing product, you are able to configure your website’s URLs to redirect or remap to a completely new URL without the need to reconfigure your web server.

How does URL routing work?

These redirects and remaps are applied at our distributed Edge locations so your website will still benefit with low latency and fast response times.

What are the performance and SEO benefits of URL routing?

URL routing can be used in many different ways for SEO and website performance purposes. You can redirect old URLs to a new location after a website redesign. You can redirect one or more domains to entirely different one. And you can remap query parameters to work as different paths on your website, so they are easier to crawl for search engines.

What options are available for URL routing?

URLspecific routing, domain redirects, advanced routing, and and deactivating routes.